Wetterarchiv (am Veranstaltungsort) | |
Klarer Himmel 15 °C ( 13 °C / 18 °C) |
Teilnehmer | Hund | LK | GK | Mannschaft | |
Adlboller Andreas | (AT) | Cookie | LK3 | L | beardiepower |
Aichinger Carina | (AT) | Malou | LK2 | L | Imp and the crazy chicks |
Augspurger Anne Katrin | (AT) | Anton | LK1 | L | Die Terrineser |
Augspurger Anne Katrin | (AT) | Fenja | Oldies | M | Die Terrineser |
Beles Gerhard | (AT) | Bones | LK2 | M | HATZ just for fun |
Beles Ursula | (AT) | Odin | LK1 | M | HATZ just for fun |
Belko Sandra | (AT) | BAYou | LK2 | L | Mutzilla and the BorderBee's |
Benda-Liro Monika | (AT) | Hector | LK2 | L | Riederberger Fellflieger |
Besler Katrin | (AT) | Beauty | Oldies | L | Mighty Dogs the last ride |
Beyer Sabine | (AT) | Barney | LK1 | L | Triple A and the only B |
Beyer Sabine | (AT) | Buffy | Oldies | L | Mutzilla and the BorderBee's |
Beyer Vanessa Michelle | (AT) | Joy | LK2 | L | Triple A and the only B |
Biener Natascha | (AT) | Ana | LK2 | S | HATZ just for fun |
Bierbaum-Boneforte Monika | (AT) | Hannah | Oldies | L | beardiepower |
Bilek Rudolf | (AT) | Bobby | LK1 | M | HATZ die hübschen Jungs und die Bilekstrasse |
Bilek Sabine | (AT) | Lily | LK2 | S | HATZ die hübschen Jungs und die Bilekstrasse |
Buchholzer Sophie | (AT) | Luna | LK2 | L | Simply Beasties 3 |
Dokulil Bettina | (AT) | Bakari Bandit | LK2 | L | Mighty Dogs Family |
Dokulil Harald | (AT) | Anteros | LK2 | L | Mighty Dogs Family |
Dolezal Tanja | (AT) | Lisa | LK2 | M | DFP - Run to have Fun |
Dornstädter Karin | (AT) | Indira | LK1 | L | Mutzilla and the BorderBee's |
Dornstädter Karin | (AT) | Saphira | LK1 | L | Mutzilla and the BorderBee's |
Ericson Anita | (AT) | Mango | Oldies | L | Riederberger Fellflieger |
Ericson Anita | (AT) | Nanni | LK3 | L | Riederberger Fellflieger |
Flicker Horst | (AT) | Heidi | LK3 | S | Leise ist scheiße |
Früh Sonja | (AT) | Emma | LK1 | L | Imp and the crazy chicks |
Gahleitner Miriam | (AT) | Flash | LK1 | M | Colorful pack |
Gartler-Rappold Karin | (AT) | Amy | Oldies | L | DFP - Der Hahn im Korb |
Gartler-Rappold Karin | (AT) | Aylin | Oldies | L | DFP - Nix für Bremser |
Gartler-Rappold Karin | (AT) | Blue Shanell | LK2 | L | DFP - Da fliegen die Pfoten |
Gartler-Rappold Karin | (AT) | Buddy | LK1 | L | DFP - Run to have Fun |
Gehmair Eva-Maria | (AT) | Rusty | LK3 | M | Colorful pack |
Gerevini Anja | (AT) | Edda | LK1 | L | HATZ Loyal Shadows Youngsters and Young Friends |
Gerevini Anja | (AT) | Konrad | Oldies | L | HATZ Oldies are our Goldies |
Geyer Christina | (AT) | Kira | LK1 | L | DFP - Nix für Bremser |
Grabner Michaela | (AT) | Merlin | LK1 | L | HATZ die hübschen Jungs und die Bilekstrasse |
Gröger Maria | (AT) | Amber | LK2 | L | Golden Girls |
Großschmidt Andrea | (AT) | Roxy | LK2 | L | Imp and the crazy chicks |
Gruidl Gisela | (AT) | Amber | LK2 | L | Triple A and the only B |
Gruidl Gisela | (AT) | Amy | Oldies | L | Triple A and the only B |
Gschwandtner Helmut | (AT) | Ace | LK2 | L | Mighty Dogs Family |
Gurschler Victoria | (AT) | Ebony | LK3 | S | Simply Beasties 4 |
Gurschler Victoria | (AT) | Ginger | LK2 | L | Simply Beasties 5 |
Gürtler Irene | (AT) | Xieniks | Oldies | L | Mighty Dogs the last ride |
Haberreiter Andrea | (AT) | Bia | LK2 | S | Golden Girls |
Hampl Brigitte | (AT) | Ilvy | LK3 | L | DFP - Nix für Bremser |
Hampl Brigitte | (AT) | Yes | LK3 | L | DFP - Da fliegen die Pfoten |
Harder Lena | (AT) | Jean | LK1 | L | DFP - Der Hahn im Korb |
Herbst Günther | (AT) | Aska | LK3 | L | beardiepower |
Horvath Claudia | (AT) | Belana | LK1 | L | Simply Beasties 4 |
Horvath Claudia | (AT) | Sienna | LK3 | L | Simply Beasties 2 |
Horvath Rudolf | (AT) | Atanua | LK3 | L | Mighty Dogs Family |
Jantschgi Anna | (AT) | Tequila | LK3 | M | Drink Tequila & Let's Go |
Klomser Helmut | (AT) | Lya | LK3 | L | Simply Beasties 1 |
Klomser Sonja | (AT) | Melvin | LK3 | L | Simply Beasties 2 |
Koller Alexandra | (AT) | Ida | LK1 | M | HATZ die Unberechenbaren |
König Josef | (AT) | Jeannie | LK1 | S | HATZ the Bravehearts |
König Josef | (AT) | Molly | LK1 | S | HATZ die Unberechenbaren |
Kormann Albert | (AT) | Malin | LK1 | L | DFP - Der Hahn im Korb |
Kränzl Sabrina | (AT) | Ace | LK2 | L | Simply Beasties 4 |
Kränzl Sabrina | (AT) | Ivy | LK2 | S | Simply Beasties 2 |
Kränzl Sabrina | (AT) | Zoe | LK3 | M | Simply Beasties 5 |
Kurka Gerhard | (AT) | Elli | LK3 | L | beardiepower |
Leidenfrost Anita | (AT) | Kaycee | LK1 | S | Leise ist scheiße |
Löw Eva | (AT) | Piri | Oldies | L | Mighty Dogs the last ride |
Mandl-Mösinger Helene | (AT) | Bendix | LK3 | L | Simply Beasties 1 |
Mandl-Mösinger Helene | (AT) | Gin | LK3 | L | Simply Beasties 3 |
Marzinger Karin | (AT) | Lea | LK3 | M | HATZ just for fun |
Minihold Karin | (AT) | Ink | LK1 | L | Bis einer weint |
Minihold Karin | (AT) | Twix | LK2 | L | Bis einer weint |
Minihold Nicole | (AT) | Evolution | LK3 | L | Bis einer weint |
Minihold Nicole | (AT) | Imp | LK2 | L | Imp and the crazy chicks |
Mösinger Manfred | (AT) | Angel | Oldies | L | Simply Beasties 2 |
Mösinger Manfred | (AT) | Rango | LK1 | S | Simply Beasties 4 |
Mösinger Manfred | (AT) | Xena | LK3 | L | Simply Beasties 5 |
Neubauer Monika | (AT) | Arrow | LK3 | L | Simply Beasties 1 |
Neubauer Monika | (AT) | Loki | LK1 | L | Simply Beasties 5 |
Neubauer Thomas | (AT) | Dwain | LK3 | L | Simply Beasties 1 |
Neubauer Thomas | (AT) | Red | LK2 | L | Simply Beasties 3 |
Nikl Katharina | (AT) | Cookie | Oldies | L | HATZ Oldies are our Goldies |
Nikl Katharina | (AT) | Peanut | LK1 | S | HATZ die Unberechenbaren |
Pay Susanne | (AT) | Lennox | LK1 | S | Wer will mich |
Pichler Susanne | (AT) | Gini | Oldies | M | Golden Girls |
Pichler Susanne | (AT) | Lea | LK2 | S | Golden Girls |
Posch Gabriele | (AT) | Anou | LK3 | S | HATZ the Bravehearts |
Posch Gabriele | (AT) | Cool | LK3 | M | HATZ die Unberechenbaren |
Posch Gabriele | (AT) | Lele | Oldies | S | HATZ Oldies are our Goldies |
Posch Gabriele | (AT) | Lini | LK3 | S | HATZ Loyal Shadows Youngsters and Young Friends |
Posch Reinhard | (AT) | Ayk | LK1 | L | HATZ Loyal Shadows Youngsters and Young Friends |
Posch Reinhard | (AT) | Bill | LK3 | L | HATZ the Bravehearts |
Raschbauer Conni | (AT) | LeGo | LK3 | S | Drink Tequila & Let's Go |
Raschbauer Conni | (AT) | Lina | LK2 | S | Drink Tequila & Let's Go |
Raschbauer Stefanie | (AT) | Thony | LK1 | L | Bis einer weint |
Raschbauer Stefanie | (AT) | Winston | LK3 | L | Drink Tequila & Let's Go |
Reihs Martina | (AT) | Motte | LK2 | S | Desperate Housedogs |
Retzl Claudia | (AT) | B.A's Manisha | LK2 | M | Leise ist scheiße |
Rosenauer Bianca | (AT) | Sally | LK2 | L | Colorful pack |
Schnopfhagen Denise | (AT) | Rocky | LK1 | S | DFP - Run to have Fun |
Schöller Denise | (AT) | Abby | LK1 | L | Mighty Dogs the last ride |
Seiberl Irina | (AT) | Resi | LK3 | L | Riederberger Fellflieger |
Stangl Ullrike | (AT) | Flamme | Oldies | L | Desperate Housedogs |
Stangl Ullrike | (AT) | Jolie | LK3 | M | Desperate Housedogs |
Stangl Ullrike | (AT) | Manni | LK1 | L | Desperate Housedogs |
Stastny Elisabeth | (AT) | Aaron Atreju Ahanu | LK3 | S | HATZ the Bravehearts |
Stastny Elisabeth | (AT) | Elsa | LK3 | M | HATZ Oldies are our Goldies |
Stepanek Edeltraud | (AT) | Findus | LK1 | M | Wer will mich |
Stepanek Edeltraud | (AT) | Frodo | LK2 | M | Wer will mich |
Stöger Robert | (AT) | Ghost | LK3 | L | Simply Beasties 3 |
Streicher-Müller Ines | (AT) | Jessy | Oldies | M | DFP - Der Hahn im Korb |
Streicher-Müller Ines | (AT) | Ono | LK1 | M | DFP - Run to have Fun |
Tesar Lisa-Marie | (AT) | Buddy | LK3 | L | DFP - Da fliegen die Pfoten |
Teufl Bianca | (AT) | Jonny | Oldies | S | Die Terrineser |
Teufl Bianca | (AT) | Zina | LK3 | S | Die Terrineser |
Trimmel Gerti | (AT) | Zippora | LK3 | L | Wer will mich |
Unger Erwin | (AT) | Dexter | LK3 | M | DFP - Da fliegen die Pfoten |
Unger Erwin | (AT) | Luna | LK3 | L | DFP - Nix für Bremser |
Wurm Michael | (AT) | Captain "Jack" | LK3 | L | Colorful pack |
Zwettler Tanja | (AT) | Aruba | LK1 | L | HATZ Loyal Shadows Youngsters and Young Friends |
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